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Browsing Tag: Easy

Gift Ideas for Teachers Appreciation Week

It’s teachers appreciation week and now more than ever we need to recognize that our teachers are absolutely AMAZING. My mom, sister, and mother-in-law are all educators so I have a good idea of what teachers want and I have complied a list of gift ideas for Teachers Appreciation Week.

DIY Book Wall Decor

DIY Book Wall Decor

Vintage books layered on the wall with a hand painted sign and quote.

Autumn Porch Decor 2019

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Front porch decor for fall

can’t believe it’s already time for all things pumpkin! It’s still pretty hot outside here in OKC but hopefully a cool down will happen soon. I am getting excited to break out my scarves, sweaters and booties. More importantly, I ordered a bunch of new fall clothes for Isla and I can’t wait until its cool enough to put her in a cute little sweater. See what I bought her from H&M here. Thanks for stopping by to check out our Fall decor for your porch ideas! These easy to recreate ideas will have your porch looking cozy in no time! 

Toddler Approved Snack Mix

Isla has always been a great eater. She eats really well at mealtimes but she’s also a huge snacker. She doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth (thank goodness) but I think she gets burnt out on certain snacks after awhile. It’s hard to find a snack that isn’t messy (like veggies and hummus dip) but I have finally found something that is travel friendly and less messy. Keep reading to see how to make the Toddler Approved Snack Mix that my toddler loves!

DIY Toy Box – Tons of Storage!

Heidi-ho, Neighbor! (Anyone else watch old re-runs of Home Improvement and miss the 90s?).

I haven’t had time to build anything in a while to share with you guys. I’ve been helping my mom redo her kitchen, taking a little break from blogging, Isla had a health scare in April and I haven’t felt like writing anything, if i’m being honest. But I thought I’d tell you about Isla’s toy box that I built for her first birthday! This DIY Toy Box offers tons of storage, which makes cleaning her room a breeze!

She turned one in October and I really needed a practical way to store her toys and books. We were having to get creative and stuff toys all over the place to put them away.

I had been wanting to build her a toy box but I knew it would have to have a built in bookshelf as well as storage for bigger items. I have been following Ana White for years and I had seen these plans before.

DIY Hand Painted Sign

I can’t believe how fast January flew by! Does anyone else feel like that?

Did you see that according to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is coming early? I usually like winter weather but it’s hard not being able to get the baby out because it’s been so cold. I feel like she has been sick since the beginning of December so I welcome spring with loving arms.

I can’t wait to be able to go outside without a coat and hang out at the park. I see lots of days at the park in our future this spring.

I have wanted to do this tutorial for a while now! I always get the urge to update or add to my home décor in the spring. It’s a pretty expensive habit to get into, my friends. I used to see those cute hand painted signs but I didn’t want to pay a fortune for them, so I decided to do some research and make my own.

DIY Chunky Farmhouse Trim

I’m helping my Mom re-do her kitchen and living room area. It’s not a major renovation, just some paint and updating of the trim and hardware. This last weekend I installed some really chunky farmhouse trim in her kitchen and I thought I’d share it with you and show you how I did it.