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Browsing Tag: Busy Mom

$100 Closet Remodel

The real slim shady song has been STUCK in my head all day. I have no idea why. I also have a terrible headache because my coffee this morning was 20% coffee and 80% sugar & whipped cream. Oh well, It’s the weekend. I’m back to distract you with my $100 closet remodel (otherwise known as the February house project that is just now being written). If you like organization and terrible before photos but also really good after photos, stick around.

Toddler Spring Clothing Haul

Hey folks. How is everyone doing? I haven’t posted in awhile because, while I have a ton of content to share, I haven’t felt like writing much. Eventually I knew I’d fire up the laptop and get back to work and here we are.

How to Prep and Install Drop Cloth Curtains

Sometimes the DIY bug will hit and I need a project to do. I love quick but big projects that give you instant gratification – I think that’s why I love building furniture. Most recently I was able to redo our master bedroom for less than $100! Today I’ll be showing you how to prep and install drop cloth curtains.

Goals for 2020

2020 is here! That is so weird to say and write. It just doesn’t flow and I have definitely written it wrong several times. 

Christmas Cookie Fun

My whole family has been sick this weekend. Isla had a tummy bug and I’ve got a terrible upper respiratory infection at the moment. I thought Evan had been spared but he has caught Isla’s tummy bug. That is why I haven’t posted in a few days. Saturday afternoon we made some cookies and I wanted to share the recipe with you.

I have always loved baking with my Grandma. It doesn’t happen very often because she lives in Illinois and we only see her every couple of years. We always exchange recipes and try them out. My grandma makes all kinds of cookies for Christmas. When we visit her house she has tubs and tubs full of every kind of cookie you could want. It’s amazing.

I’ve always liked her sugar cookies the best. I made them this weekend with Isla and then my nephews came over to decorate them. We had so much fun using different icing and sprinkles. Isla wasn’t that into it this year but I think she will enjoy it later on.

Here is the recipe that I used:

Life as of Late

This has been a wonderful year. Nothing big has happened or anything. Although, that could be a good thing. We’ve just been working, enjoying life with Isla Rose, playing with our puppies and spending a little more time at home with each other.  I thought i’d take just a minute and update you on life as of late. 

Books to Read with Your Children During December

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I also hope you’re excited to get some new ideas for Christmas books to read to your child because I’ve put together a short list of books to read with your children during December!

This year has really flown by. Fall is always such a busy time for us because we have Isla’s birthday and our anniversary in October. I’ve been so busy running around and decorating for the Holidays (Home tour coming soon), that I have really had to make slowing down and focusing on what’s around me during this season a priority. It’s so easy to get swept up in social media and screen time during the colder months but I’ve really been making an effort to make memories with Isla.

Autumn Porch Decor 2019

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Front porch decor for fall

can’t believe it’s already time for all things pumpkin! It’s still pretty hot outside here in OKC but hopefully a cool down will happen soon. I am getting excited to break out my scarves, sweaters and booties. More importantly, I ordered a bunch of new fall clothes for Isla and I can’t wait until its cool enough to put her in a cute little sweater. See what I bought her from H&M here. Thanks for stopping by to check out our Fall decor for your porch ideas! These easy to recreate ideas will have your porch looking cozy in no time! 

Autumn Clothing Haul For Toddler

About a month ago I was cruising the H&M website on my lunch break and decided to check out their Fall toddler clothing. I have bought Isla tons of stuff at H&M. Their clothes fit her really well and they are affordable, but also great quality. They always seem to last and I box them up for the next Baby P instead of throwing them out (this is not an announcement, I just like to plan ahead).

A Weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I just really like telling people about places and things they might enjoy themselves. This is simply a weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas.

A few weeks back, my sister invited us along on their annual weekend getaway to Dallas. She has 2 boys and likes to take them to a water park resort for a weekend before school starts.

I immediately jumped on board because we haven’t been anywhere this year because we are currently saving for our next home (I’ll do a post about this process soon). However, I got a great deal on our hotel and it was too good to pass up. I’m so glad that we went.