Books to Read with Your Children During December

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I also hope you’re excited to get some new ideas for Christmas books to read to your child because I’ve put together a short list of books to read with your children during December!

This year has really flown by. Fall is always such a busy time for us because we have Isla’s birthday and our anniversary in October. I’ve been so busy running around and decorating for the Holidays (Home tour coming soon), that I have really had to make slowing down and focusing on what’s around me during this season a priority. It’s so easy to get swept up in social media and screen time during the colder months but I’ve really been making an effort to make memories with Isla.

A basket of books in front of a christmas tree

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We got this cute little ginger bread house kit from target and spent some time yesterday afternoon building it – well, I built it and Isla was the icing taster. It’s a really small gingerbread house so it wasn’t a big time commitment and was perfect for littles with a short attention span.

Isla Rose is already so excited for the Holidays since we put up our tree a bit early. She has been pointing out snowmen, nutcrackers, and pictures of Santa everywhere we go. She has been singing Jingle Bells for a few weeks and it is precious.

Books are a big deal in our house. We read to Isla every night and she has a basket of books on our fireplace that she chooses from. Currently, the basket is filled with Christmas books but I change them out seasonally. I can only read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and The Very Hungry Caterpillar so many times.

I bought a Christmas advent book called Christmas Is Coming,  a few weeks ago at a book fair (My sister is an elementary librarian) and I thought I’d share some of it with you because it’s one that we can re-use for years to come and I really hope to make it a tradition.

The advent book is great because it has recipes, songs, and classic Christmas stories to read as a family. I want Isla to look back on the holiday season and think less about what she got and more about the time she spent with family. Making memories and sharing experiences are one of the most important gifts I can give Isla. My dad died when I was 7 and not having many memories of him is the absolute worst.

We also bought Isla the Jesus Story Book Bible and you can make ornaments to go along with it or you can purchase some on Etsy. Here is the link to the printable ornaments as well. This is another family tradition this year that we are starting. I’m looking forward to sharing the story of our Savior’s birth with Isla and this Bible does a great job of putting the Word in short stories that the kiddos will understand.

Reindeer of the Year is a cute little book that I got just for fun. It’s brightly colored and filled with reindeer doing some pretty funny stuff. What’s not to like? Isla loves any book that includes sequins.

We are still reading the Christmas books from last year as well. See that post here. I hope you’ll check these books out this Holiday season and spend time making memories with your little one.

What is your favorite Christmas book to read to your children?

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