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Category: Lifestyle

48 Hours in San Francisco-What To See and Where To Eat

I could tell that today is going to be a “meh” day. I woke up at 4 am because I literally could. Not. Breathe. I was so stopped up. Thanks a lot, Oklahoma allergies. At least it was sunny and warmer today. 

We had a great weekend as a family. Evan was off work this weekend so we took Isla to the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. It was not all that crowded so I let her run around and she had a blast looking at the new exhibits. I’ll do a post on some fun stuff around OKC soon. 

I really am excited to tell you about a trip to San Francisco that I took a couple of years ago. I write really detailed travel journals when I’m on vacation and when I re-read it for this post it’s like I was just there yesterday. If you don’t keep a travel journal when you take trips, I encourage you to start. Pictures are great to have but it’s hard to remember the little details like that cool restaurant you tried.

The Little Free Library

I’ve been rambling in this little slice of the internet for a little over 2 months now. It is a blast. I love all the lovely comments and social media support from everyone. I have readers in 41 countries so far! Thank you to each and every one of you.

I know this blog is kind of all over the place. I have several topics that I write about but thanks for sticking around. It means so much. I have goals set for myself and this blog and I’m well on my way to meeting them, thanks to you guys. Be sure and subscribe -> Over there, if you haven’t yet.

Today I’m here to tell you about a little project that I helped with a couple of weeks ago.

Thirty One Things About Me

Today is my birthday.

I’m 31.

Very weird to say that. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I kind of like it. This has been my favorite decade so far.

I thought I’d tell you 31 things about myself so you can get to know me a little better. I’ve also included a few kernels of wisdom that have brought me to where I am today.

How to Plan Your Dream Vacation – A Step by Step Guide

I am SO tired, guys. No amount of coffee is going to work today. Isla was up most of the night coughing and she is so congested. Seriously, what did people do before NoseFrida snot suckers? Those things are amazing. And gross. But amazing. Those old school aspirators are terrible and I’ve never been able to get them to work.

Anyway, let’s talk about travel! More specifically, let’s talk about how to plan a trip.

Refinished Fireplace Cover

Happy Saturday, Everyone!

I hope you had a great week. I’m so excited about today’s post. Normally my DIY posts are about woodworking but this one is a little different.

When we first moved into our house, there wasn’t a cover over our fireplace. It was just open for anyone to climb on in – mainly Teddy (our golden retriever), but I also had little relatives that come over sometimes who might have thought it was a good idea to climb in there.

I knew that eventually we would have a baby (spoiler alert-we did) and that it would need to be covered. I looked everywhere for a more affordable option than what I was finding online or in stores. These things can get really expensive. We had just bought our house so I was looking for something a little more budget friendly – almost free. Hahaha.

How I Entertain My 1 Year Old

I’m fortunate enough that I get to stay home from work with Isla every other Friday and, of course, weekends. Evan has a weird work schedule and doesn’t get weekends off with us. I look forward to these 3-day weekends so much. I love our time together. It’s so nice to be able to sleep in and just lounge around until we decide to make breakfast. So as I’m sure you can guess, I’m going to be showing you how I entertain my 1 year old.

New Year’s Resolutions that Anyone Can Keep

Whoa. You probably thought I was done with this whole blogging thing since it’s been a while since you’ve seen any new content from me. The truth is, there is a ton of behind the scenes stuff that goes on in my little slice of the internet. I’ve been updating the site, revising old posts, and moving stuff around a bit. New posts should be posted on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule from now on. 

Okay, so who is watching that Marie Kondo show on Netflix? I watched the first episode the other night and my husband jumped up and basically cleaned the entire house, so Marie Kondo may be onto something. Only watch this show if you want to take every single thing in your closet and put it on your bed. And then do nothing with it until bedtime. And then shove it back in the closet, less organized than it was.

The Best Farmhouse Decor Subscription Box

For Christmas this year, my mom got me such a cool and unique gift!

I can’t wait to show you guys! This post will be short and sweet. I just want to show you guys that there is a little shop in Northern Illinois that will send you goodies for you and your home! Whoop! Whoop!

I got the January box from Urban Farmgirl. Urban Farmgirl is located in Rockford, Illinois and it’s a little shop that has just about everything farmhouse style. It’s completely wonderful and I’ve visited twice. I want one of everything that they sell and both times that I’ve been, I brought home timeless pieces of decor that I love and that will work in lots of different spaces.

The Ultimate Planner for Busy Moms

I love to plan. I buy a planner every single year but I rarely stick to it. I leave it somewhere and forget about it for a bit but I find myself making lists. Everyday I have a to do list and sometimes I make other lists for things I need to do down the road. If this sounds like you, you’ll want to read this review of this planner and maybe snag one for yourself. You can also find the video of Emily Norris telling you all about the planner here or you could read my review and I’ll tell you how I’ll be using it as well!

Christmas 2018 – Day in the Life

The most beautiful little strawberry blonde

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Whoa. I just had 3 days of not even touching a computer. I’ve got to be honest with you, it was so nice taking a few days off and spending time with family. I had a few more Christmas posts planned but we had Evan’s family here for a few days and we had a pretty full schedule.

There is so much that goes into every blog post and they typically take about 3-4 hours to edit, keyword, SEO, proofread, add photos, make a pin for Pinterest, add those pins to a scheduler and a lot of other stuff too.

I’ve been blogging for almost a month. We launched on the 26th of November. I had been writing a lot longer than that but we decided to share with the world on that day. I’ve learned a lot in the last month of blogging and I thought I’d share some of that with you.