Thirty One Things About Me

Today is my birthday.

I’m 31.

Very weird to say that. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I kind of like it. This has been my favorite decade so far.

I thought I’d tell you 31 things about myself so you can get to know me a little better. I’ve also included a few kernels of wisdom that have brought me to where I am today.


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  1. I am a morning person. But I am a tired morning person. Yes, I wake up at 5 am but I am not happy about it. 7 am is a much better time to wake up.
  2. I begin my morning with one cup of coffee. I limit myself to one cup. 18-year-old Payton drank enough coffee for 4 people. Everything in moderation, right? Lately, I have been using this tiny Keurig that Evan got me for Christmas. It is so slim and takes up barely any room. Our last Keurig was enormous. This one is simple to clean and only holds enough water for one cup. It also begins brewing instantly. It comes with a little storage area when it isn’t being used and I put my k-cups in there. So practical. If you’re looking to down size your current Keurig, this thing is awesome.
  3. I am not the greatest when it comes to skincare. I’ve been blessed throughout my life with minimal breakouts and relatively “normal” skin. Lately, it has needed a lot of moisturizer because it’s so dry. I try to moisturize my face, neck and hands every day. I spent a lot of time in the sun when I was younger and I can really tell that it’s catching up with me. I’ve also been known to sleep in my make up from the night before. Gasp.
  4. I have 2 doggos. Both “rescues.” Gertie is a Sheltie that I found when I worked at a country club. I looked for her owners for a solid month but no one ever claimed her. She has been with me since 2011 and even though she is a grumpy old lady, I still love her. Teddy is an English Cream Golden Retriever. He was a Christmas puppy that someone dumped near my Mom’s house. My husband took one look at him and fell in love.
  5. I get really excited about cleaning products, but I hate to clean. I love my house being clean. When it’s not, I get really stressed and irritated, but I loathe cleaning. I’m a firm believer in just throwing stuff away and having less stuff to clean. I seriously used to hate vacuuming until Ev got me a Dyson cordless vacuum. I never realized that it was the cord that I hated so much. The plug in and unplugging throughout the house. This thing is seriously awesome. I can do the entire house in 5 minutes.
  6. I am terrified of birds, fish and frogs. Yes, I know this is silly. I don’t care.
  7. I wear my t-shirts inside out and backwards at home. I don’t really have an explanation for this. It’s just the way it is and has always been since I was a kid.
  8. I love to build furniture. Building stuff with my hands is one of my favorite things to do. I don’t get to do it very often these days, but I love looking at all the furniture in my house that I’ve built. You can see one of my DIY posts here. I strive to be more like Ron Swanson.
  9. I met Evan in college. He asked for a pencil every day in class and after getting scolded by me for being not prepared for college, he took my phone and put his number in it. Thanks to that teacher who had us sitting in alphabetical order.
  10. I did the “cry it out” method with Isla. And guess what? She is absolutely the best sleeper I know. She is 15 months old and has been sleeping 6:30-6:30 since she was 4 months old. She also takes 2 naps a day and goes right to sleep when we put her in her crib. I’ll do a post on sleep training if you guys want, let me know in the comments!
  11. I prefer muffins to cupcakes.
  12. I prefer Braum’s chocolate milk to everything.
  13. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that I would much rather be comfortable than break an ankle in high heels. Funny story, I actually ruptured a ligament and had to have surgery on my ankle-from walking in flats and stepping off a stair step at exactly the wrong angle. Go figure.
  14. I am terrified of one on one conversation, but I can get up and give a speech in front of a crowd. I used to perform in choir in high school. I always dreaded rehearsal but would do fine in front of a bunch of people when I sang solos.
  15. I am the definition of awkward. Especially with Evan’s friends. It’s so bad. I have a really hard time being myself. Good thing Evan can carry a conversation for both of us.
  16. I’m not a people-pleaser, especially as I’ve gotten older. I’ve learned to care less what people think and it’s really refreshing.
  17. I’m frugal. Maybe a little too much of the time. Evan is a spender though, so it evens it out.
  18. I didn’t think I had any motherly instincts until Isla came along. I couldn’t see myself being a mom, especially to a little girl. I’m so glad God chose us to be her parents.
  19. I can’t stay mad for longer than 5 minutes. I have a terrible temper, but I forget why I’m mad most of the time. Evan has figured this out and will keep his distance until he thinks I’ve forgotten. This works 99% of the time.
  20. I love sleep. I get really excited when I get to take a nap. I used to schedule my college classes around nap time.
  21. I work in clinical research. I always knew I was supposed to work in the medical field. I had to give up my dream of being an astronaut sometime, I guess.
  22. I work in the medical field for a very specific reason. My dad died very suddenly when I was 7. Had the doctor listened to him and performed some tests, he might still be here today. He fell through the cracks. I want to do my part – no matter how small – to make sure less people fall through the cracks.
  23. I will tell you to stop smoking. I don’t care if I’ve only just met you. Not only is it a waste of money but IT. IS. POISON. And if you have kids, I’ll make sure to tell you that my dad died when I was 7. I have very little memories of him and the ones that I do have may just be because I’ve heard the story so many times.
  24. Whoa, that last one was heavy. Let’s see…. I like to swim. I used to lifeguard and teach swim lessons. Swimming is my favorite. I’ll be teaching Isla to swim this summer and I could not be more excited.
  25. I prefer H&M, ASOS and Target for clothes and accessories. I would love a Chanel purse, but I would rather save money and take a trip than own one.
  26. I am a planner. I have our next 3 vacations planned. Destinations are picked and packing lists/ itineraries have been made. See how I plan a vacation here.
  27. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I believe he is coming back one day.
  28. I have long hair. Always have. Probably always will. It’s easier to fix and It just feels weird when it’s short. I’ve also always had blonde hair (except that two weeks when I was a brunette, but we don’t talk about that). I started getting highlights when I was 12.
  29. I am seriously good at darts. Freakishly good. I have no idea why. I don’t play that often.
  30. I like to jump out and scare Evan. He returned the favor the other day, so it’ll be awhile before I scare him again.
  31. I had a dream when I was pregnant with Isla. It was before I knew I was having a girl. I dreamed about her just like she looks now, and she ran up to me and called me “Mama” so every night I sing to her the song from sleeping beauty “once upon a dream.”

Whew, now that that’s done, I can go back to writing about fun stuff. I have some great DIY and travel content coming your way so subscribe if you haven’t and if you read all the way to the end, you probably are my mom.

Love you guys, Happy Birthday to me.


About The Author



  1. Marilyn | 28th Jan 19

    Your mom read the whole thing.

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