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Daily Archives: February 12, 2019

48 Hours in San Francisco-What To See and Where To Eat

I could tell that today is going to be a “meh” day. I woke up at 4 am because I literally could. Not. Breathe. I was so stopped up. Thanks a lot, Oklahoma allergies. At least it was sunny and warmer today. 

We had a great weekend as a family. Evan was off work this weekend so we took Isla to the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. It was not all that crowded so I let her run around and she had a blast looking at the new exhibits. I’ll do a post on some fun stuff around OKC soon. 

I really am excited to tell you about a trip to San Francisco that I took a couple of years ago. I write really detailed travel journals when I’m on vacation and when I re-read it for this post it’s like I was just there yesterday. If you don’t keep a travel journal when you take trips, I encourage you to start. Pictures are great to have but it’s hard to remember the little details like that cool restaurant you tried.