Self-Care Routine for a Busy Mom

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I am so tired by the end of the day that I don’t really have the energy to focus on self-care.  I am up by 5 am during the week and usually I don’t stop running around until I collapse into bed at 10 or 11. I have tried in the last few months to dedicate one night a week to take care of myself. I try to set aside Friday nights for my self-care routine. Below you will find my idea of a self-care routine for a busy mom.

Having a supportive spouse is the number one way to take care of yourself. Someone who notices the little things and is proactive in helping you is incredible. For example, Evan will see that my glass of water is empty and will go refill it without me even saying anything because he knows I’ve been too busy to do so. He always offers to read books to Isla and he loves putting her down for bed at night, and he does so much more than that. He always wants what is best for Isla and I. Evan is really good about stepping in and giving me a break when he knows my brain and body are tired.

I don’t think people realize how important self-care is for Moms. I notice that I am more organized, more pleasant in the mornings, and not as short when communicating with people when I’ve had enough sleep and had time to put on my moisturizer and run a brush through my hair.

I like to begin my Friday nights with Evan doing the bath and bedtime routine for Isla so that I get a few minutes to relax or work on the blog. This is kind of hobby so it doesn’t count as work. I’m not having to run around and pack the day care bag for the next day or plan what Isla will eat for lunch and that’s a blessing.

After Isla goes to sleep and we’ve eaten dinner – usually takeout because my routine consists of not having to cook or clean – I’ll catch up on reading. Recently, this has been other blog posts, but I’ve also been reading more magazines as of late. I have several magazine subscriptions and it’s nice to flip through for a bit and day dream about having Martha Stewart’s kitchen or about making that awesome rainbow cake – who has time to make cake from scratch? Ridiculous.

I love bubble baths. I took them often when I was pregnant with Isla Rose but after she was born, I didn’t take one for several months – don’t worry, I was still showering. I try to do a bubble bath once a week. I’ll listen to my audio book and put on a face mask. Sometimes this includes scrolling Pinterest with a glass of wine but mostly I just have a glass of ice-water nearby because I don’t drink enough of it throughout the day.

After my bath I put on lotion without glancing at the clock since I don’t have to worry about getting to work on time the next day. That is why my routine time slot is the best. Friday night = No time restraints. I use Aveeno lotion every night because if I didn’t, I would look like a lizard and have old man elbows. #dryskinprobs

This next part is my favorite: I love my jade roller. Evan calls it voodoo but I think it really does work. I can tell a difference with the puffiness around my eyes and cheeks. I use it on my neck and under my eyes. Many fashion blogs and style websites claim jade rollers improve blood flow to the face and neck and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Additionally, they are supposed to help stimulate your lymphatic system which reduces swelling and inflammation. I’m not saying it’s the fountain of youth, but it does feel good and it appears to help puffiness, so I’m not complaining in the least.

Up next is a trio of toner, moisturizer, and eye cream. I use an aloe and rosewater toner. It really helps calm down any redness and it feels so refreshing when you spray it on. For a moisturizer, I really like the No7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Night Cream.  Finally, for eye cream, I’m currently enjoying the e.l.f. Illuminating Eye Cream because it’s relatively inexpensive and does a good job.

Once all of that’s done, I find a pair of fuzzy socks, put on my PJs, and binge watch The Office / Parks and Rec / New Girl (sometimes with a cup of hot tea) until I fall asleep.

I know it doesn’t sound like that would help a lot, but it really does. Making an event out of getting ready for bed and getting to shut my brain off for a while does wonders for this mama.

Honestly any shower that I get to wash my hair is like mini vacation. Most days it’s dry shampoo and little to no makeup for this girl. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not feeling sorry for myself at all. I love my life. I love being a mom and I love that I have side projects that keep me busy but, it is nice when I can slow down and not have to multi-task 50 different things at once.

Side note: I do little things throughout the week to get a few minutes of me time here and there like:

  • Taking a longer route home after picking up Isla from daycare. Even though I’m not alone it’s still such a good time because she is happy that I just picked her up and lately we have been singing Christmas songs in the car and who am I to correct her if she thinks I sound just like Mariah Carey? Kidding. We have so much fun though, driving just the two of us.
  • Target Run – Not kidding when I say this is my favorite place. Also, not kidding when I say that Isla claps when we walk through the entrance. She recognizes the greatness that is Target. It’s a bit more relaxing when I can go by myself after little miss has gone to bed. She tends to get bored after about 20 minutes of riding in the cart.
  • Girls night – This last Friday my two of my best friends and I met up at 5pm and went to Trader Joe’s and then to dinner at a diner. It was a blast. We are so old and boring- Ha! We did end up seeing Santa though and he made a stop by our table at dinner. It was kind of awesome. It was so refreshing to see them, catch up, and tell funny stories about our kiddos.
  • Praying – Last but definitely not least, I like to pray in the car on the way to work. I’m alone and it’s peaceful (rush hour in Oklahoma City doesn’t really qualify as “rush hour”). Usually the sun is just coming up and it’s so wonderful to talk to God while looking at some of His best work.


There are so many ways to take care of yourself so please make sure that you do – spiritually, mentally, physically – it’s all important. Have a great Monday everyone! Friday will be here before you know it!



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