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Browsing Tag: Aveeno

Toddler Spring Clothing Haul

Hey folks. How is everyone doing? I haven’t posted in awhile because, while I have a ton of content to share, I haven’t felt like writing much. Eventually I knew I’d fire up the laptop and get back to work and here we are.

Self-Care Routine for a Busy Mom

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliated links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a  commission if you click through and make a purchase.

I am so tired by the end of the day that I don’t really have the energy to focus on self-care.  I am up by 5 am during the week and usually I don’t stop running around until I collapse into bed at 10 or 11. I have tried in the last few months to dedicate one night a week to take care of myself. I try to set aside Friday nights for my self-care routine. Below you will find my idea of a self-care routine for a busy mom.

My Evening Routine

I just love a good routine and even though my evening routine looks much different than it did before having a baby, it still leaves plenty of time to get everything done, spend time with the family and have some self care. 

My evening routine begins the second I get off work, usually about 4:30. I pick up Isla from daycare at about 4:50 and then we head home.