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Browsing Tag: Self Care

Goals for 2020

2020 is here! That is so weird to say and write. It just doesn’t flow and I have definitely written it wrong several times. 

Life as of Late

This has been a wonderful year. Nothing big has happened or anything. Although, that could be a good thing. We’ve just been working, enjoying life with Isla Rose, playing with our puppies and spending a little more time at home with each other.  I thought i’d take just a minute and update you on life as of late. 

New Year’s Resolutions that Anyone Can Keep

Whoa. You probably thought I was done with this whole blogging thing since it’s been a while since you’ve seen any new content from me. The truth is, there is a ton of behind the scenes stuff that goes on in my little slice of the internet. I’ve been updating the site, revising old posts, and moving stuff around a bit. New posts should be posted on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule from now on. 

Okay, so who is watching that Marie Kondo show on Netflix? I watched the first episode the other night and my husband jumped up and basically cleaned the entire house, so Marie Kondo may be onto something. Only watch this show if you want to take every single thing in your closet and put it on your bed. And then do nothing with it until bedtime. And then shove it back in the closet, less organized than it was.

Self-Care Routine for a Busy Mom

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliated links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a  commission if you click through and make a purchase.

I am so tired by the end of the day that I don’t really have the energy to focus on self-care.  I am up by 5 am during the week and usually I don’t stop running around until I collapse into bed at 10 or 11. I have tried in the last few months to dedicate one night a week to take care of myself. I try to set aside Friday nights for my self-care routine. Below you will find my idea of a self-care routine for a busy mom.

My Evening Routine

I just love a good routine and even though my evening routine looks much different than it did before having a baby, it still leaves plenty of time to get everything done, spend time with the family and have some self care. 

My evening routine begins the second I get off work, usually about 4:30. I pick up Isla from daycare at about 4:50 and then we head home.