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Browsing Tag: Birthday

Toys My 1 Year Old Actually Plays With

We were up all night with a super cranky Isla. Her fever hit 104 this morning and so we took her to urgent care.

Double ear infection. For the third time this Winter. Check out my tips for when baby gets sick, here. I can’t wait for spring to get here. I’m over this cold weather. Unfortunately, it looks like we’ve got a lot of it this week.

Being home with her today got me thinking about all the toys that she has absolutely nothing to do with and I thought it might be helpful to tell you about the things that have really captured her attention for longer than 30 seconds.

Thirty One Things About Me

Today is my birthday.

I’m 31.

Very weird to say that. I’m not sure how I feel about it, but I kind of like it. This has been my favorite decade so far.

I thought I’d tell you 31 things about myself so you can get to know me a little better. I’ve also included a few kernels of wisdom that have brought me to where I am today.