What’s in my diaper bag? (12-18 month old)

I’m still carrying a diaper bag for outings that last more than a few hours. If it’s a short trip then I’ll just throw some diapers and wipes in my purse and go. My daughter is about to be 15 months old and still feel like I need a few items when we go out for the day. It puts me at ease knowing that I’m prepared for diaper blows outs with a change of clothes or medicine if she gets sick. 

The Bag

The diaper bag that I use is the backpack from LAND. We had a similar one before this one and it was not made as well. This one was purchased from Amazon and you can find it here. It seems like it’s much better quality and the gray color stays clean. It has nice pockets inside that are water proof and big pouches for bottles/ snacks or whatever you want. 


I always carry about 5 diapers with me for an all day trip out. Yes, I know this is a lot but I like being prepared. I carry Member’s Mark brand wipes from Sams Club and I use Huggies diapers. They are the best in my opinion and I’ve never had a leak. I also carry a foldable changing pad because those changing tables in bathrooms are so gross and these bags are great from wrapping up a stinky diaper. They are scented and keep the stinkiness hidden until you can throw away the diaper. I’ll also use these if we stay overnight somewhere and we don’t have our diaper genie.

Meal Time Accessories

I always have a spoon in case we stop for food while we are out and I carry a small suction cup bowl. I found these at target and they came in a set of 3. When Isla is older I’m sure I can get away with just using a silicon place mat but right now the suction cup bowls work really well because she can’t get them off the table. My daughter refuses to wear bibs so usually I try to aim for less messy meal options while we are out but if you get tired of washing bibs you can always opt for disposable bibs from dollar tree. They come in packs of 6.

Medicine / Miscellaneous   

I always carry a tiny tube of diaper rash cream and eczema cream. Isla’s eczema will flare up with the weather and she will itch like crazy.

Right now she is teething so I carry teething medicine, some infant Tylenol and a thermometer because she usually has a fever when her teeth are bothering her.

Blankets & Extra Clothes

I keep a muslin blanket in the bag just in case she gets cold while we are out or you could use it as a nursing cover/ pillow/ play mat on the ground and it doesn’t take up much room and is very light weight.

I also keep a spare outfit just in case. She hasn’t had a blow out in awhile but I’d rather have it then be caught without it.

Grooming & Self Care Items

In one pocket I’ll have Wet Ones to wipe down shopping carts or restaurant tables, hand sanitizer and a Chap-stick for myself.

I’ll have my keys and wallet in a hidden pocket on the back of the diaper bag-the side that goes on your back. 

I carry a comb because my toddler has a ton of hair and I usually have to pull it back out of her face.

I also carry nail clippers, scissors and and a small Emory board. It’s nice to have them if she gets a painful hang nail or I notice that her nails are really long.


I always carry  a few different types of snacks for her. I keep Cheerios in a small plastic canister with a screw top to keep them from going stale, Goldfish crackers in a Ziplock and sometimes I take apple sauce pouches or graham crackers. It just depends on what I have. Also not pictured is a sippy cup. One way to keep a melt down from happening when we are out to be prepared with snacks. I have forgotten to pack them before and it was not a good time. 


I carry a few small toys and a teething bracelet for her. I usually will let her take a small book but she keeps this in the car and uses it in her car seat. Even though she can’t red, she loves to look at books and so I try to change this out pretty often so she doesn’t get bored. 

That’s everything in my diaper bag! It might seem like a lot but the bag is nowhere near full. I just like to be prepared for any situation. I will probably stop carrying it by them time she is 2 or by the time she is potty trained. 

Leave a comment and let me know what you find most helpful in your diaper bag for your toddler. I’d love to hear from you! 

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