Toys My 1 Year Old Actually Plays With

We were up all night with a super cranky Isla. Her fever hit 104 this morning and so we took her to urgent care.

Double ear infection. For the third time this Winter. Check out my tips for when baby gets sick, here. I can’t wait for spring to get here. I’m over this cold weather. Unfortunately, it looks like we’ve got a lot of it this week.

Being home with her today got me thinking about all the toys that she has absolutely nothing to do with and I thought it might be helpful to tell you about the things that have really captured her attention for longer than 30 seconds.

She has a handful of things that she plays with every single day, so I leave them out in the living room 24/7. All of these toys have been tested to the max (Isla is a little on the destructive side and so far, these have really lasted).

A little background on Isla. Isla Rose is 16 months old today. She got most of these toys around Christmas and has not stopped playing with them. The frog on the string and the telephone, she has had since her birthday in October.

Tomy Eggs

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The very first thing on my list drives me insane because I can’t find one of the eggs at the moment, but she LOVES these eggs that you can take apart and they squeak. She will walk around with one in each hand and squeak them. She also loves to kiss them. Not sure what that is about. She kisses everything though.

We don’t like to leave the eggs out so we close the carton and she can’t open it herself yet so she will bring it to us and ask us to open them. It is precious.

Stack and sort toy

This next one is also currently missing a few pieces. It’s the stack and sort toy I got her for Christmas. She hides them all over, but she has really learned how to sort colors with this. At first, she was just stacking them however but recently she has actually started putting them back where they belong.

I’m sure this toy will really last because she has bitten them and thrown them, and they’ve been in the bath and the dishwasher and it still looks brand new. Melissa and Doug make great stuff. If only they were here to dig the pieces out of the couch. Haha.

Flappy Elephant

She loves this elephant. It plays peek a boo and sings “do your ears hang low” but the voice isn’t annoying. It’s actually pretty cute. She giggles the entire time that it’s playing peek a boo.

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Books are still the number one item she plays with, but I noticed today that she is obsessed with anything on a string. She has this frog, this duck and this telephone. All are hits with Isla. She carries them all through the house. She chases the dogs with them. She gives them kisses. She goes round and round the kitchen island dragging them.

If you know of anyone that is about to have a first birthday, I can’t recommend these toys enough. They aren’t loud and obnoxious, and Isla really seems to enjoy them.

What toys do your kids play with? Isn’t its crazy how the things you think they will go crazy for, get thrown into the bottom of the toy box?

Have a great week everyone!

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