New Year’s Resolutions that Anyone Can Keep

Whoa. You probably thought I was done with this whole blogging thing since it’s been a while since you’ve seen any new content from me. The truth is, there is a ton of behind the scenes stuff that goes on in my little slice of the internet. I’ve been updating the site, revising old posts, and moving stuff around a bit. New posts should be posted on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule from now on. 

Okay, so who is watching that Marie Kondo show on Netflix? I watched the first episode the other night and my husband jumped up and basically cleaned the entire house, so Marie Kondo may be onto something. Only watch this show if you want to take every single thing in your closet and put it on your bed. And then do nothing with it until bedtime. And then shove it back in the closet, less organized than it was.

I’ve been writing a lot of post ideas lately about re-organizing in the new year and clearing out clutter. It got me thinking about what resolutions I’d like to keep this year for myself. I’ll be 31 this year and I’m ready to make some changes that I can actually stick to. I’m coming for ya, 2019! 

I made a list of my resolutions this year and I’ve got to say that I’m excited that for once that I can stick to every. single. one. These resolutions don’t require a gym membership or eating cauliflower rice (you aren’t fooling anyone, cauliflower).  You can keep these resolutions all by yourself!

These are my personal new year’s resolutions, now that I am more realistic about what I can actually stick to and achieve. This must come with age, or the older I get, the happier I am in my own skin and don’t feel like I need to put unrealistic expectations on myself. I had a baby for crying out loud (15 months ago but still). Hahaha.

Here are my resolutions for 2019:

  • Read More –

    • I mean from an actual book. Not my phone or laptop which I spend most of my day reading from. I want to take a half hour here or there during the week and cozy up on the couch with a good book. If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments section. No scary stuff. I don’t do thrillers either because I would never sleep again.
  • Spend more time outside.

    • I despise the heat. The only way I’ve ever been able to stand the scalding sun was when I was a lifeguard and a pool was 5 ft away to cool off. In 2019 I’d like to spend more time outdoors (with sun protection of course). I want to go rafting, hiking, swimming, camping, and zip lining to name a few ideas. I really want Isla to grow up having made lots of memories in the great outdoors. This summer I’ll be taking her swimming a ton and I hope to have her floating/ kicking with a board by the end of summer!  What is your favorite outdoor family activity?
  • Be present.

    • I am guilty of staring blankly at my phone and mindlessly scrolling Instagram when I should be paying more attention to Isla or Evan. Phones in general waste so much time. It’s time that I could be playing catch with Isla or reading to her. From now on my family will be having one unplugged night a week. That means eating dinner without the TV on, no phones, or tablets, not even our apple watches to distract us. We will do something together as a family like a puzzle or board game instead and just talk. Ya know, like in the old days.
  • Maybe don’t eat the entire sleeve of thin mints.

    • I will be 31 this month and I know that anytime I have set a goal to lose weight it backfires. I tend to be too strict and it never works out in my favor. On November 1st I decided that I would try something different and just try to make one healthier choice at each meal. This doesn’t always happen but I’m down 12 lbs since then. It’s a slow process but it’s one that is working for me. Let me know if you’d like to see a post on exactly what I’m doing.
  • Be more frugal.

    • I’d like to find some creative ways to save money as a family this year and save for something fun like a big trip or something. I’ll let you know if I can get Evan on board or not.
  • Be kind. To everyone.

    • Even when I haven’t slept or have just received a traffic ticket.
  • Be more outgoing.

    • Evan tells me that I’m not very approachable based on my facial expressions at times. That’s just how my face looks, guys. I promise that I’m nice! I have a couple of people that I call close friends and the rest of the time, I wonder why it’s so hard to make friends as an adult. Sometimes I think that I come off as rude because I don’t talk much but really I just put so much thought into what I’m going to say that I ultimately decide to just be quiet. I really find it hard to just let loose and be myself around people. Evan is the outgoing one but I think that this year I’m going to make more of an effort. Make sure that if you’re introducing yourself to me that you tell me your name twice-because I am so focused on pronouncing my name correctly that I have already forgotten yours. My name is two syllables. PAY-TON. Anxiety is real, guys. 
  • The final thing that I want to do this year is spend more time with Jesus.

    • It’s so easy to spend my time doing something else and not pray or spend time reading the Bible. I want to spend time with the Lord, in the quiet and really listen to what He has to say. As I’m typing this, “I want to know more about my Lord” popped into my head. It’s crazy how hymns can just come to you and then get stuck in your head when you need to hear them. 

These resolutions are good for me. They’re nurturing for my soul as I enter into the dreaded 30s. I mean further into the 30s.  Looking forward to a great 2019! What are your resolutions this year? Will your family be adopting any of these resolutions this year? 

I’ll be back on Wednesday with a post about how I entertain my 1 year old. Be sure and subscribe if you haven’t yet!

About The Author



  1. Kristen | 15th Jan 19


    Okay so I had to comment back to you on this one, cause we have a lot of the same resolutions this year. I too would like to spend way less time on my phone, and more time outdoors. We got a camper last year and are hopefully putting it to some use this summer. Saving money…yeah… the more we make, the more we spend! Ugh! Your section about making new friends hit home for me too. It’s SO HARD to make friends as an adult. I don’t think it’s your face. I’m pretty outgoing (I think), and I can’t make new friends either. Not that I’ve really *tried* but, I mean, how do you try? Corner your kids classmates parents at drop off and ask them if they want to be friends??? Sounds like a good way to get a protection order against you. So if you figure out a way, please post it on here. I’ll be reading.
    I love your idea about taking baby steps about eating healthier too. I’ve taken a similar approach and agree that trying to make drastic changes typically sets us up for failure. So for me, instead of having pasta 6 nights a week, I’ve limited it to 1, and I’ve tried to limit bread to once a day, if that. I’ve also tried not to scarf my dinner down like a ravenous animal and have multiple 2nd’s. Seems like it’s working! Plus, I’ve dusted the cobwebs off my treadmill and started jogging a few days a week.
    We can do this!!!
    I hope 2019 brings lots of love and happiness to you guys!

    • Payton | 15th Jan 19

      Kristen! I love this comment so much. It’s so good to hear from you!! And yes, we can totally do this! Happy new year!

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