20 Road Trip Essentials for Baby


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We took Isla on a road trip to northern Illinois this last summer. She was 8 months old at the time and we learned a lot during the 12 hour car ride. Since the holidays are upon us and some of you may be traveling for the first time with your baby, I’d like to share some tips about what I learned from this experience. You probably already know to bring EXTRA outfits for yourself and baby, but if you’re on a road trip then you should already have those items in the car with you. I hope this list of road trip essentials for baby helps you to stay on top of things when packing for an upcoming trip.

Before I begin, let me give you some background info on Isla Rose. The longest car ride she had been on prior to this was the hour and a half it takes to get to Evan’s parent’s house. She might doze here or there, but never for very long. Even when she was a newborn the car NEVER worked. Oh, how I wish it had. Our baby is not a car seat sleeper. I thought it was because she hadn’t ever had to sleep in the car and she would surely be fine on a 12 hour road trip. Boy, was I wrong. She did not have a good time. She likes to be sitting up when she is awake and she likes to sleep on her stomach which is not ideal for the car seat.

So, let me tell you a few kernels of wisdom I picked up during this trip:

1-Sit in the back with baby

It’s no fun to be alone in the back seat with no one to talk to. My mom and I took turns sitting in the back with Isla. Babies are very social and just the action of having someone close might just save you from a meltdown.


We had brought Isla some puree food pouches because I thought that would be easier on the road. However, when she sees you eat a burger while all she has is mushy goop, she is going to want a bite. Or 5. Bring the animal crackers, puffs, bread sticks. Anything at all to make her forget that you’re eating delicious beef jerky and she can’t have any. Did we feed her a hamburger on this trip? You betcha. We did baby led weaning – more on that here– but our girl was taking big bites of grown up food by this time. A fed baby is a happy baby. We have also this awesome snack holder that fits into her car seat cup holder.

3- Baby wipes. All of them.

Your car should be equipped with 14,745 packs of baby wipes. This is a SLIGHT exaggeration but you will need a lot more than usual. Snacks will be spilled. Sippy cups will be knocked over. It’s just good to bring extra. Even if the messes are caused by you and not the baby.

4- Stop frequently

Unless the baby is asleep that is, in which case you hold it and drive like it like you stole it. These are precious minutes and you’ve got a quiet car and ground to cover. If baby is awake and refuses to be entertained, stop the car. Get out. Stretch. Walk around for a bit.

5-Bring a cooler

Even if it’s a small one. It’s nice to not have to stop for cold drinks. Stock up and you can store breast milk like I did and not have to worry about it. If your baby is on formula, stop at Starbucks and ask for a cup of hot water. This is perfect for making bottles when it’s cooled down some.

6-Rotate the toys

We brought a few small toys from home and we also brought some of the loud noisy toys that she doesn’t play with all that often mainly because they make noise but on road trips you make an exception. We brought her a pair of maracas. She loved it. When she would get upset we would change out the toy.

7-Muslin Blanket

Isla sleeps in a sleep sack made of muslin and this blanket helped her feel more at home. The idea is to make the car a little bit like home. Bring a their favorite stuffed animal or whatever helps to calm them.

8-Use your hand

I have no idea why this works but when all else failed Isla could sleep for a bit if my hand was on her cheek. It’s a comfort thing. Since we couldn’t snuggle this was the next best thing.

9-Sing songs or watch videos with singing

Give in to the screen time and watch little baby bum. She loved this show and it’s all nursery rhymes or learning songs. This kept her entertained for awhile.

10-Dirty Diaper Disposable Bags

If you read my what’s in my diaper bag post then you saw these little bags that hold dirty diapers. These are ideal if baby has a blowout and you need to change her on the side of the road.

11- Towel(s)

If your baby gets car sick and you aren’t able to take the car seat cover off and wash it right then. Use the abundance of baby wipes that you brought, clean up what you can and then use the towel for baby to sit on in the car seat. One or two towels folded under the seat or in the floorboard in front of the car seat can be a lifesaver!

12-New Air Freshener

Have a few new air fresheners in the glove box before you leave on the trip. Babies come with lots of interesting smells – spit-up, baby food, dirty diapers, and so on. Couple that with a closed space like a car in the middle of the summer and it’s not ideal.

13-Car seat cooling liner

I know it’s cold right now but this tip will save you if you are planning to take a summer trip. We had it with Isla and it made a world of difference. We even used it in her stroller and it kept her so much cooler.

14-Portable high chair

This one is great for traveling because it folds up so small. So if you stop by a road side diner who doesn’t have a high chair or if you’re going to be staying with family who won’t have a high chair this is great.

15- Small stroller

You’ll likely be out and about at your destination but your car will be jam packed with luggage and you still need a stroller. This is the travel stroller we use. It’s my go to everyday stroller because it takes up almost no room in the car.

16-Pacifier clip

If your baby uses a pacifier, you’ll want this because it’s not a good time if you lose it in the car. Plus, dropping it on the floor of the car is gross. Even if your baby is more of a thumb-sucker, these  double as a teething toy!

17- Portable Noise Machine

This is the one we have. Isla slept so much better in the car with this turned on. Just a little consistent noise to help drown out the sounds of traveling on the highway goes a long way!

18-Sun Shade

No matter the time of year, having the sun in your face while you’re trying to sleep is no fun. These are the ones that we use. They have a heat indicator on them for when it’s too hot for baby in the car.

19- Baby Medicine Kit/Bag

Keep all the baby medicine within reach. Bring the infant Tylenol, gas drops, teething tablets. BRING IT ALL. You don’t want to have to be googling the nearest CVS or Walgreens when baby is screaming.

20- Hand Sanitizer

Gas stations are gross. Rest stops are gross. Plus it’s nice to have if you have had to pull over in the middle of no where to change a diaper.


Now you’re fully prepared for all your future road trips with baby! I’ll be sure to do another post in the future for toddler essentials. Let me know if you’d like to see a list on what items I pack for our destinations for Isla.



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