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A Weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I just really like telling people about places and things they might enjoy themselves. This is simply a weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas.

A few weeks back, my sister invited us along on their annual weekend getaway to Dallas. She has 2 boys and likes to take them to a water park resort for a weekend before school starts.

I immediately jumped on board because we haven’t been anywhere this year because we are currently saving for our next home (I’ll do a post about this process soon). However, I got a great deal on our hotel and it was too good to pass up. I’m so glad that we went.

Traveling With A Toddler: Hotel Room Hacks

Traveling with a toddler can be hectic to say the least. Last weekend we went on a last minute trip to Dallas and stayed at the Hilton Anatole. We took full advantage or their Jade Waters Resort, which allowed us to get some much needed R&R.  I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks I’ve picked up from staying in hotels with Isla, who is currently 21 months old. These are a collection of hacks that I’ve done her entire life while traveling so I know they are baby and toddler tested and approved. Without further ado, here is my guide to traveling with a toddler and the hotel room hacks that work for us!

Toddler Approved Snack Mix

Isla has always been a great eater. She eats really well at mealtimes but she’s also a huge snacker. She doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth (thank goodness) but I think she gets burnt out on certain snacks after awhile. It’s hard to find a snack that isn’t messy (like veggies and hummus dip) but I have finally found something that is travel friendly and less messy. Keep reading to see how to make the Toddler Approved Snack Mix that my toddler loves!

20 Road Trip Essentials for Baby


*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, meaning, I will earn a commission, at no additional cost to you if you click through and make a purchase.

We took Isla on a road trip to northern Illinois this last summer. She was 8 months old at the time and we learned a lot during the 12 hour car ride. Since the holidays are upon us and some of you may be traveling for the first time with your baby, I’d like to share some tips about what I learned from this experience. You probably already know to bring EXTRA outfits for yourself and baby, but if you’re on a road trip then you should already have those items in the car with you. I hope this list of road trip essentials for baby helps you to stay on top of things when packing for an upcoming trip.

Before I begin, let me give you some background info on Isla Rose. The longest car ride she had been on prior to this was the hour and a half it takes to get to Evan’s parent’s house. She might doze here or there, but never for very long. Even when she was a newborn the car NEVER worked. Oh, how I wish it had. Our baby is not a car seat sleeper. I thought it was because she hadn’t ever had to sleep in the car and she would surely be fine on a 12 hour road trip. Boy, was I wrong. She did not have a good time. She likes to be sitting up when she is awake and she likes to sleep on her stomach which is not ideal for the car seat.

So, let me tell you a few kernels of wisdom I picked up during this trip:

What my 12 Month Old Eats in a Day

My 12-month-old has been eating solid food since she was 5 months old. We did a combination of purees (mostly so she would eat veggies) and baby led weaning (everything else). This is something I am really passionate about and you can read more about why I chose baby led weaning here. Let’s get into it! This is what my 12 month old eats in a day. 

5 Must-Have Holiday Treats from Aldi

5 Must-Have Holiday Treats from Aldi

Aldi is my go to grocery store, but my favorite time to go is during the holidays because they have so many wonderful items that normally are not available. I cannot live without these! The list below shows off my top 5 must-have holiday treats from Aldi.