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Browsing Tag: Kids

Toddler Spring Clothing Haul

Hey folks. How is everyone doing? I haven’t posted in awhile because, while I have a ton of content to share, I haven’t felt like writing much. Eventually I knew I’d fire up the laptop and get back to work and here we are.

Life as of Late

This has been a wonderful year. Nothing big has happened or anything. Although, that could be a good thing. We’ve just been working, enjoying life with Isla Rose, playing with our puppies and spending a little more time at home with each other.  I thought i’d take just a minute and update you on life as of late. 

A Weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I just really like telling people about places and things they might enjoy themselves. This is simply a weekend at the Hilton Anatole Dallas.

A few weeks back, my sister invited us along on their annual weekend getaway to Dallas. She has 2 boys and likes to take them to a water park resort for a weekend before school starts.

I immediately jumped on board because we haven’t been anywhere this year because we are currently saving for our next home (I’ll do a post about this process soon). However, I got a great deal on our hotel and it was too good to pass up. I’m so glad that we went.

Toddler Approved Snack Mix

Isla has always been a great eater. She eats really well at mealtimes but she’s also a huge snacker. She doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth (thank goodness) but I think she gets burnt out on certain snacks after awhile. It’s hard to find a snack that isn’t messy (like veggies and hummus dip) but I have finally found something that is travel friendly and less messy. Keep reading to see how to make the Toddler Approved Snack Mix that my toddler loves!

DIY Toy Box – Tons of Storage!

Heidi-ho, Neighbor! (Anyone else watch old re-runs of Home Improvement and miss the 90s?).

I haven’t had time to build anything in a while to share with you guys. I’ve been helping my mom redo her kitchen, taking a little break from blogging, Isla had a health scare in April and I haven’t felt like writing anything, if i’m being honest. But I thought I’d tell you about Isla’s toy box that I built for her first birthday! This DIY Toy Box offers tons of storage, which makes cleaning her room a breeze!

She turned one in October and I really needed a practical way to store her toys and books. We were having to get creative and stuff toys all over the place to put them away.

I had been wanting to build her a toy box but I knew it would have to have a built in bookshelf as well as storage for bigger items. I have been following Ana White for years and I had seen these plans before.

Teething Tips That Worked and Ones That Didn’t

Let me start off by saying that I am not doctor. All of these tips are things that I’ve learned along the way. I researched online. I asked questions from friends and family. I watched YouTube videos and eventually, I learned what worked for my baby and what didn’t.

The Little Free Library

I’ve been rambling in this little slice of the internet for a little over 2 months now. It is a blast. I love all the lovely comments and social media support from everyone. I have readers in 41 countries so far! Thank you to each and every one of you.

I know this blog is kind of all over the place. I have several topics that I write about but thanks for sticking around. It means so much. I have goals set for myself and this blog and I’m well on my way to meeting them, thanks to you guys. Be sure and subscribe -> Over there, if you haven’t yet.

Today I’m here to tell you about a little project that I helped with a couple of weeks ago.

Christmas Books to Read to your Toddler

Isla Rose LOVES books. Not as much as she loves pushing the buttons on the remote control but we’re working on it. She loves to sit and pretend to read. It’s the cutest thing ever. She will come sit in our lap with a book before bed time and we read to her most nights. Her all time favorite is Goodnight Moon and my husband has it memorized and it’s pretty much falling apart. A tell tale sign of a well loved book.