The Little Free Library

I’ve been rambling in this little slice of the internet for a little over 2 months now. It is a blast. I love all the lovely comments and social media support from everyone. I have readers in 41 countries so far! Thank you to each and every one of you.

I know this blog is kind of all over the place. I have several topics that I write about but thanks for sticking around. It means so much. I have goals set for myself and this blog and I’m well on my way to meeting them, thanks to you guys. Be sure and subscribe -> Over there, if you haven’t yet.

Today I’m here to tell you about a little project that I helped with a couple of weeks ago.

Some of you may know that my sister is an elementary school librarian. She asked me to come help install a little free library at her school. I grabbed my drill and a handful of screws and off I went.

We had it installed in a couple of minutes but the entire project made me want to tell everyone I know about it. We are very passionate about books at our house. We read to Isla every night and Evan’s personal collection of books rivals most small town libraries.

What is LFL?

Little Free Libraries are just that. They are tiny little pre-made Libraries that you can install anywhere. They come in a few different sizes and are pretty much the cutest things ever. What a cool concept?! Especially for neighborhood kids who would need to get a ride to their local library. I love this idea.

You can even download plans and build your own, if you’re into that.

Where are the LFL?

Here is the site so you can check to see if there are any locations near you. If there aren’t any locations near you, then you can always start one! If you don’t like the idea of starting one, you can always just donate to the cause. Click here to donate!

How can you help?

Donate books! All those books that your kids or grand kids don’t read anymore! Take them to your nearest LFL and give them new life. Books don’t have an expiration date.

Why are we so passionate about the Little Free Libraries?

Books provide adventure, can instill courage, and can teach important lifelong lessons.

I have a ton of books that were mine when I was younger that my Mom recently found at her house. While these books hold a special place in my heart, it got me thinking about putting them in my sister’s Little Free Library. Some I kept for Isla but most will be given away to the LFL and given new life.

These books will hopefully spark the imagination of their readers and be cherished for years to come instead of collecting dust at our house.

These little free libraries are all over the USA. If you see one around town feel free or take a book or leave a book.

I’m so glad my sister let me be a tiny part of this project.

I hope you guys liked this post. It’s pretty short and not my usual topic but I really enjoyed working on this one. It’s important to give back and teach your children to have a giving spirit.

What a wonderfully simple little concept that is capable of doing so much good.

little free library

I hope everyone has had a great Friday! I have a fun and simple DIY project to show you guys that is coming up very soon.

About The Author
