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Browsing Tag: Santa

Christmas 2018 – Day in the Life

The most beautiful little strawberry blonde

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.


Whoa. I just had 3 days of not even touching a computer. I’ve got to be honest with you, it was so nice taking a few days off and spending time with family. I had a few more Christmas posts planned but we had Evan’s family here for a few days and we had a pretty full schedule.

There is so much that goes into every blog post and they typically take about 3-4 hours to edit, keyword, SEO, proofread, add photos, make a pin for Pinterest, add those pins to a scheduler and a lot of other stuff too.

I’ve been blogging for almost a month. We launched on the 26th of November. I had been writing a lot longer than that but we decided to share with the world on that day. I’ve learned a lot in the last month of blogging and I thought I’d share some of that with you.

Christmas Books to Read to your Toddler

Isla Rose LOVES books. Not as much as she loves pushing the buttons on the remote control but we’re working on it. She loves to sit and pretend to read. It’s the cutest thing ever. She will come sit in our lap with a book before bed time and we read to her most nights. Her all time favorite is Goodnight Moon and my husband has it memorized and it’s pretty much falling apart. A tell tale sign of a well loved book.

Top 6 Men’s Stocking-Stuffer Gift Guide ($50 and under)


Hey everyone, it’s Evan! Payton told asked me to write this post about gifts that guys would enjoy to get for Christmas. Everything listed below is at or under $50 so it should give you a decent range of choices for any budget. Here is my list of the top 6 men’s stocking-stuffer gift guide ($50 and under).

Holiday Gift Guide for 12-18 Month Olds

Isla just had her first birthday in October and let me tell you, our house is jam-packed at the moment because she got a rocking horse, a cozy coupe car, and a bunch of smaller toys. What I’m planning on doing in the weeks leading up to Christmas is a little toy clear out with the intention to donate some of her stuff that she doesn’t use anymore or has outgrown. We are doing a few smaller gifts for Isla and some stocking-stuffers this year. She has so much stuff that i’m kind of dreading go through it all.

She will be 14 months old by the time Christmas rolls around so it will be much more fun than last year. She kind of knows what is going on this year. Well, she knows that she likes to open presents. I can’t wait to be Santa, you guys. I might even dress up but I will most definitely eat the peanut butter cookies that I make for him.

These are the items I have purchased for her for this year: I’ve also posted the links to each to make it even more helpful. I’m not including shoes or clothes in this list because I feel like that should be a separate post. This list is for toys only.

Update: I did a post on what books I got Isla for Christmas and you can find that list here. 

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 

1-My First Stacking Cups:

My girl loves to stack things. Need I say more? These are such a simple and great gift. They are compact when stacked and travel well in the diaper bag or my purse.

2-Endangered Species by Sud Bath Crayons:

Isla loves to play in the bath and the only thing I’m worried about with these is her trying to eat them but I never leave her in the bath so it shouldn’t be a problem. I plan to use these to write letters and shapes and let her draw some in the bathtub. These are made of soap so don’t just leave them in the water – they will eventually dissolve. The manufacturer of these crayons donates a portion of the profits to wildlife conservation as well.

DIY Pom-Pom Snowball Garland

DIY Pom-Pom Snowball Garland

Does anyone else find inspiration in the target dollar spot? I know I can’t be the only one. We live next to the target with the absolute best dollar spot. It’s always stocked up with seasonal goodies and usually a line of Starbucks armed mamas are trying to squeeze in and find some treasure.

On one such treasure hunt last week I found favor with the dollar spot and came home with 2 packages of these snowballs. They were $3 each and came with 10 snowballs in each bag.

I got to thinking about all that cute pom-pom garland I’ve seen all over Instagram on everyone’s tree and started reading tutorials on DIY pom poms. Who has time for that? Not this mama. So I bought these snowballs in hopes of making some faux pom pom garland.

Here is how I did it: