Autumn Porch Decor 2018

Don’t you just love decorating your porch for fall? For me, this usually begins in August and I have to cycle through my pumpkins a couple of times. This year we had so many tiny pumpkins and the most beautiful mums I’ve ever seen! That giant purple one. Swoon.  

We got the mums to decorate for my daughter’s first birthday party which was in October and the theme was pumpkin everything. We decorated with pumpkins and used a pink and orange color scheme. It was wonderful. I started decorating with pumpkins as soon as they hit the stores.  

My sister wrote on the chalkboard for us and I love it so much that I think I’ll just leave it up all season. My sister does some amazing hand lettering too. I’ve just started practicing and have a long way to go but she has been doing it awhile so I usually have her do chalkboards for me. That’s what sisters are for.  

My husband painted the donut pumpkins. He is also pretty crafty and he did those for Isla’s donut & pumpkin themed birthday photos back in September and they turned out so cute. I just showed him a photo of what I wanted and he delivered! 

Photo credit: Captured Moments by Shannon

We built our front porch bench about 6 years ago and even though we knew nothing about how to seal furniture back then, it has held up and I kind of like the worn look.  

My aunt made the orange and brown wreath a few years back and I just love that it is so over-sized. Hopefully I’ll have a wreath tutorial soon!  

The little acorn sign was found at the At Home store about 2 years ago. It will probably be the last year that I use it because I think I want to do a different color scheme for the porch next year.  

Our front door is Wythe blue from Benjamin Moore and I absolutely love it and would paint everything that color if my husband would let me. Alas, I just get the door. The huge hunk of cedar was gifted to me by a friend and I love that I can hang the wreathe on it, or our letter P. We would use a door hanger but because it’s so windy here in Oklahoma, things tend to make a lot of noise if they are hung on the door. Wind blows. Stuff knocks. Dogs bark. So we stick to using the cedar slab.

What is your favorite thing to use on your porch for fall? I think next year I’ll make Isla a scarecrow of some sort for our porch and if I do then I’ll definitely do a tutorial!

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